Friday, December 31, 2010

Because it's not every day you take your laptop apart...


One of my mouse buttons broke on my laptop, so Dad and I proceeded to take it entirely apart. Ever wanted to see the insides of a laptop? Your chance is now!

part of the cover

optical drive

my speakers!

speaker 1 close up

the hard drive

wireless card-thingy. made in China. :( 

keyboard. dirty - yes.

the coolest part of my laptop!
figured I'd take a picture of the front part of my screen -
much more interesting than the other side. 

this is the part I'm replacing....

... as you can see by the broken mouse button :(

oooh! pretty

RAM! all 4GB of it

all the pieces. my laptop. in pieces. in the rain. 

And now for some non-laptop-ness

Have you ever, in your life, seen the barometric pressure that low?! It's crazy!

the blizzard going on outside

LOVE this picture. Me and Ezzy :) 

Ezzy and Charlie <3


  1. Whoo hoo! I've always wanted to see a laptop completely disassembled! (I'm pretty sure no one in my family would let me take theirs apart)

    It really is interesting how many Windows comps have Apple stickers on them, but very few Macs do . . . I guess that's because the Macbooks have the glowing apple logo 8-)

    Haha, those speakers are tiny! No wonder laptop speakers sound so small!

    Ya know, you could have probably jerry-rigged a cool-looking button out of duct tape with something rigid inside it! ;-)

    Wow, I'm rambling . . . I guess the inner geek has been aroused. What a great post! Enjoy your low barometric pressure and your blizzard - and we will enjoy our low pressure and tornadic storms :-P

  2. yeah.. I've kinda always wanted to know how a laptop looked if it got tooken apart.. Pretty neat-o!!

    And goodness, EVERYthing is made China. uhg. :| well.. most stuff anyway.

  3. I suppose it is my turn now to tear apart a laptop. Unlike poor Mac, I do have an old extra laptop that I can safely experiment and threaten neither myself nor anyone else's computer connectivity. Though I must warn you, the only camera I got is the 1.3 MP one on my phone.

    In the future, you might want to avoid setting computer parts on carpet. Carpet tends to have dust and fibrous material on it which could easily contaminate and harm computer parts. There is also a risk of static electricity.

    With those tiny of speakers, no wonder you get horrible sound. I've got these two gigantic speakers set on either side of my keyboard. They are as wide as two keys and as tall as the keyboard. Decent sound, but still inferior to headphones or external speakers.

    If you think that was the only part made in China....

    Stickers. First, don't bother getting a Mac. I'm pretty sure they consider you a heretic now after putting the sacred logo on some "lowbrow HP machine." I'm feeling generous for New Year's, so I'll skip the typical Apple rant. All I have to say is that I have just as many "it doesn't just work" issues on my Dad's iMac as I do on any Windows machine. That's life for you.

    As for the concept of stickers....I'm split on stickers. On one hand, my new laptop has a rather stylish black and silver backing....I'd never want to put stickers on that. On the other hand, my old laptop had nothing but a slab of matte black plastic. Sturdy, but blank. It needed something. Considering how that old machine just keeps going despite all the abuse it got, I think the two Hurley brand stickers that now decorate it are perfect.

    RAM. The more, the merrier.

    Barometric pressure....Last time I heard that term, it was the weather chapter in my middle school grade science book. Here in East Texas, the only thing you care about is humidity levels....

    ....I just rambled, didn't I? Oh well, humor me. It's been a boring day.

  4. @Mac: I thought of that - with the duct tape and all. But my Dad insisted we get a new part (and he paid for it, so it's all good :D ) - so yeah.

    @Lydia: I know! It's crazy! And when there is such high unemployment here... you'd think we could do with less importing and just make the stuff ourselves. Oh well :P

    @Jeth: guess it was a boring day! :P First off, I don't get horrible sound. Just sometimes the sound doesn't work. When it does, it's great! Ha - funny. And who cares what 'they' consider me to be? Just because I have Mac stickers doesn't make me want a Mac any less. It simply proves one thing: I am a Mac on a PC budget. :D

  5. You guys are waaaay behind me ;) I have taken my laptop apart at LEAST twelve times! :D

  6. Well - that's your job though, Scott! haha - thanks for the comment.
